Garth Worthington

All About Us

Welcome to ERCCA Garth Worthington! We are located inside Garth Worthington School, providing two rollaway programs for out of school care children grade 1 to 6. Seeing children as mighty learners and citizens, we celebrate the successes in their daily lives by recognizing their shown interests in the different activities in the program.

Our Philosophy

Children are unique learners who construct and represent knowledge using multimodal literacies for exploration and expression.

p.32 Makovichuk, L., Hewes, J., Lirette, P., & Thomas, N. (2014).

Flight: Alberta’s early learning and care framework. Retrieved from

Our Program

Care Provided

September-June July-August


Parent Share

Out of School Care $611 $683 None  

Interested in joining our child care program?

Click here to complete the online forms to begin the process.

Note: Completing the forms does not guarantee a spot, you will be contacted by the program.

Connect with Us

Garth Worthington

351 Chappelle Drive SW
Edmonton, AB. T6W 2Z2

Should you have any questions