
ERCCA Belgravia is currently accepting registrations for kindergarten and Out of School Care.

All About Us

Welcome to Edmonton Child Care Association (ERCCA) Belgravia.  We are located inside the Vietnamese Alliance Church, providing care and walking transportation to children attending Belgravia School, from kindergarten to Grade 6.   

As a non-profit association, ERCCA has been offering quality child care and out of school care for 40 years to our children, families and communities. At ERCCA, we value each child as mighty learners, and the importance of strong partnership with families. Our programs are guided by a commitment to consistently provide high quality care, guided by Alberta’s Early Learning and Child Care Curriculum Framework — Flight, which offers our educators with the guiding principles to support our children’s development holistically.  

At ERCCA, we strive to create nurturing learning environment that honour the unique needs of each child and family; fostering well-being, meaningful learning opportunities, and relationships. Rooted in our values of equity and inclusion, we are dedicated to consistently evolving our practices to ensure accessible care for all members of our community. With the guidance of our board of directors, we believe that together, we build a strong foundation for lifelong learning, and well-being. 


Our Program

Care Provided




Parent Share

Out of School Care $611 $683 None
Kindergarten $855 $855 $626 $229

Here at Belgravia, we …

  • Create places of vitally together
  • Get messy
  • Love spending time outside
  • Love to laugh and smile
  • Always listening to children’s ideas
  • Get children and families involved with program planning
  • Make learning visible

Interested in joining our child care program?

Click here to complete the online forms to begin the process.

Note: Completing the forms does not guarantee a spot, you will be contacted by the program.

Connect with Us


(located in Vietnamese Alliance Church)

7302 118 Street NW
Edmonton, AB. T6G 1S4

Should you have any questions